I was born some time ago knowing I was a bit different. Not in any typical differentiation, mind you. I am a middle-aged heterosexual Caucasian. I am mundane in skill and aptitude. Some would use other words to describe me, but I won't go into those descriptions. You'll have to go to them to find this information. This particular document is about me by me.
I've been known to be a lover of felines, words, puzzles, games, graphics, and somewhat other fringe subjects such as psychics, magick, odd science, bad jokes, science fiction and fantasy, coffee, and my family. These, of course, are not in any particular order. So, let's not have you go looking for patterns where there are none.
Like you, I've been burned, healed, scarred, loved, hated, and both been the recipient and cause of many other emotions in a variety of people. So, what makes me so different?
I simply feel different than the whole of the population. I, in my introverted life, think in a different slant. You could call it paranoid. You could call it 'having trust issues.' I call it, life. Do I think that everyone is after me? No. I'm not that much of an egotist. I do, however, have a deep fascination of a variety of conspiracy theories.
Some though, are just absolute nonsense beyond what I believe. I'm not going to go into any of these thoughts and mindsets. These may be subjects for other writings in the future, or not, as I see fit.
So, whether you are a lively flesh and blood person or a robotic script, I welcome you. Thanks for giving me a tiny piece of your time today. It is a precious commodity for both the Orga and Mecha among us.
If all goes as well as I think it will, there will be more thoughts being shifted from my mind into this venue. I'm not going to lie or set myself up for failure. This is going to be a tougher transition than I think it is. It is going to take a dedication and practice that I've not had in decades.
I've been at this edge of breakthrough before and failed. This fear of failure is great and looming. I acknowledge it. I see it. Many may not speak of it (honestly, I don't know, I've not researched it), but these are my words, my thoughts, my emotions. Take them, or don't, for what they are.
This is my space, and it has the potential to not be so fluffy. I want to communicate and be a part of the human species, but, by and large, I know that I'm living in the shadow of something else.
I'm different, and that's all right.